Monday, October 3, 2011

Page 2! I'm in my groove and going to bed.

Closing in on the home stretch for page two! And now catching some shut eye before I start making careless mistakes and ruining things.


  1. This is so great. Listen up, when you get all the pages done, I'd be willing to buy the book (should you choose to monetize!). So, keep that in mind. I'm probably not the only one.

  2. I'm extremely impressed by these pages so far. We're starting our Kingmaker campaign next week, so I've got plenty of time to wait for these to be ready - but I'm impatient anyway because they're AMAZING!
    - Cintra

  3. Wow, these are amazing! Only 14 to go... keep up the good work!

  4. These are fantastic! I'm running KM for our group and we have just started the second module. I had already decided to make Zuddinger's Picnic a recurring plot point (one of the characters recovering pages to an old regarding his "family history"). As they progress through the AP they'll uncver these beautiful and haunting pages! Thanks so much and keep it up! (I'd also gladly pay for a book if you choose to put something out...)

  5. These are absolutely beautiful. Nice work! Looking forward to seeing the rest.

  6. Totally agree with what people are saying. This one is definitely awesome! Can't wait to see the rest of them. After talking with you today, be sure to keep your head clear!

  7. Brilliant - sheer poetry.
    Thanks, I'll be using them in my game...
