Friday, January 25, 2013

Page Six done!

Six is done and in time to be considered for Spectrum Twenty! It's off to the print shop and the post office for this Illustrator! to everyone who has been waiting, thank you so much for your persistent patience! Page Seven begins!


  1. Looks nice, thanks! Patiently waiting for page 7! :-)

  2. Gorgeous! Love the light shining through the hole in the boat, nice touch.

  3. Outstanding! Thank you so much for your time and talent devoted to this project.

  4. Any idea when you will do the remaning pages? :)

  5. Thanks for the feedback guys! unfortunately for all of us, I graduated from college, have no access to a printing press and my editing station is between graphics cards currently, so any new pages will likely have an entirely different aesthetic and will be out a few months.

  6. Just thought I'd let you know that your work on these is much beloved, and there are many like myself who truly hope you'll continue. If not, thanks for what you've done - it is amazing and nobody could possibly find room for valid complaint if you've moved on. But I really hope you haven't and that we can look forward to more! :)

  7. Please do continue!

    1. Finally able to support my free projects like Zuddiger's, Hoping to get back into the studio soon.

      Wishing you all the best,

